
An Introduction

An Introduction

Dealing with Depression, Anxiety or Stress can be so difficult. No energy, little motivation, extreme self doubt, negativity and uncontrollable worry. You don’t have the confidence to do anything or see anyone, instead you sit and overthink about bad things that have happened, are happening now or bad things that could happen in the future. You’ve crash landed in the deepest, darkest hole and you don’t know how to get out. Does anyone else feel like that? 

When at my lowest point I was searching and searching the internet desperate to find something, anything that could help me return to a healthier state of mind that wasn’t medication or therapy, something I could do or try in my own time. What I found was dribs and drabs of support, advice and products.  Don’t get me wrong, there is fantastic advice on the internet but there isn’t a website specific to Mental Health (that I have found)  that recommends products and assistive aids. That is the reason why I created the Calm Shop, to display products, tips and advice that I have found and researched in the 10 years of experiencing Anxiety on one site to make it easier and quicker for others who are in a similar position. 

The products and advice on the Calm Shop have been inspired by the best tips and advice I have been given by therapists, nutritionists and Doctors as well as what has worked for me on my own journey. What we need to understand is that everyone is different, there isn’t one miracle product, supplement or medication that will work for all, it is a matter of trial and error and finding what works for you. I sincerely hope you do find something that helps you on this site and if you do I would love to know. 

In every blog I would like to give tips and advice in the hope it may help at least one person who is reading this. My first tip is about positive thoughts because I believe positive thinking can be the start of your recovery…


Although part of the reason you may be experiencing Anxiety, Stress or Depression could be due to a chemical imbalance, lack of appropriate nutrition or strangely even the way you breath can impact your mental health; the main issue could be with your thoughts. Do you constantly think negatively, have no confidence in yourself and always put yourself down? When was the last time you thought positively or thought about what you are grateful for? Honestly, one of the best places to start when recovering from depression or anxiety is your thought process. I will do a more in-depth blog on positive thinking, but for now why not try one or both of these tips….


  • For every negative thought think of a positive thought? Or if that sounds impossible at the moment, think of 3 positives that have happened during your day, whether it be drinking a lovely cup of tea or playing your favourite xbox game. There is always a positive that has happened during your day, you just have to find it.  If you do this every night before you sleep, or whenever you feel like it, this strategy can begin to promote positive thinking habits. Aim to do this for at least three weeks so it becomes a habit.
  • Every morning when you wake up think of 5 things, people or memories you are grateful for. Try making this apart of your morning routine to increase your positive thoughts;  gratitude is a very powerful emotion. 


A book that has really helped change my mindset is ‘The Secret’. It is an extremely powerful book that focuses on ‘the law of attraction’ and positive energy. The book really makes me focus on what I want out of life, what my goals are and how I can achieve them as well as giving fantastic advice on how to change my mindset. I 100% recommend this book to anyone who wants to reduce their negative thought processes. If you keep working on the advice in this book you will see a change in yourself, although it may take a bit of time to see them. 

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right. (Henry Ford) ” The Secret.

You can buy The Secret here by the ‘View Product’ button below.